Study about the Latvian-Swiss cooperation programme “Support in the field of youth’ initiative development in remote or underdeveloped regions” implementation activity influence on the local community

In order to develop a study on “Latvian-Swiss Cooperation Programme" Support in the field of youth’ initiative development in remote or underdeveloped regions” implementation activity influence on the local community”, the Agency of International Programs for Youth (hereinafter – AIPY) involved Dynamic University Ltd. as a result of a procurement. The main objective of the study was to identify the Latvian-Swiss Cooperation Programme (hereinafter – Programme) results, analyse their impact on various target groups, as well as to assess the sustainability of the Programme. PROJECT SOLUTIONS AND RESULT The project methodology and data analysis was based on multi-criteria impact and sustainability indicator model, which was developed specifically for the purposes of this study. For the purposes of data collection, the representatives of the multifunctional youth centres (hereinafter – MYC) that were created as part of the Programme, their visitors – youths, representatives of the local governments and educational institutions took part in a survey. Interviews with the field experts, involved parties, focus group discussions and case studies were also conducted in order to gain a broader understanding of the impact and sustainability of the Programme. Study results were also based on the results of opinion polls regarding the importance of the MYC (in cooperation with SKDS Ltd.). |
The evaluation was carried out by analysing each Programme component – MYC, methodological materials, training and event – functionality, impact and sustainability potential, thereby providing a broad understanding of the Programme results and impact. The study was concluded with data based recommendations and recommendation from the target groups (youth, local governments, schools and youth workers) for the further development of the MYC pertaining to the various MYC operational aspects, including training. |