Saulkrasti region education development concept

PROJECT OBJECTIVE As a result of a procurement procedure and within the framework of the project “Saulkrasti region education development concept 2016- 2025” (hereinafter – the Concept) regional council of Saulkrasti involved Dynamic University with the aim to develop the Concept. The goal of the concept was to ensure long term joint, qualitative and accessible educational services in the Saulkrasti region, by providing efficient and effective management of the human, material, infrastructure and financial resources. PROJECT SOLUTIONS AND RESULT In order to identify the current situation and the potential challenges for the successful implementation of the Saulkrasti region education development concept 2016 – 2025 interviews, visits and work groups were organized. Fallowing steps were carried out in order to evaluate the regional education system:
At the final stage of the project the primary goal of the Saulkrasti education system was defined closely collaborating with the work groups and industry specialists. The development processes of the offer for the educational programme and the education development concept of the Saulkrasti region 2016- 2025 were finalized, including the analysis of the possible scenarios and their influence on the education quality and efficiency. Alongside the list of the possible scenarios and their analysis, our company also ensured support for the public discussion, such as collecting the acquired information and presenting the results for the work groups and the regional council of Saulkrasti, taking into consideration the potential influence of the Concept on the region’s educational quality, availability and efficiency. |