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Projects - Dynamic University


Project “VET to Work Transition – how to meet labour market needs and engage businesses in Latvia's VET system?”

On 16 September 2013, in response to the Call for Proposals (EACEA/04/2013) within the framework of Lifelong Learning Programme — Implementation of the European strategic objectives in Education and Training (ET 2020) published by the European Commission on 25 April 2013, the National Centre for Education in co-operation with Dynamic University developed and submitted the project “VET to Work Transition – how to meet labour market needs and engage businesses in Latvia's VET system?”, envisaging the cooperation of the Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Employers’ Confederation of Latvia and also three associate partners – the State Education Development Agency, the Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments and the Ministry of Education and Science. Dynamic University was involved in the process of developing the project application as well as in the implementation of actions as the strategic consultant.

  • In its Council’s opinion on Latvia's convergence programme for 2012 - 2016 (Brussels, 19 June 2013), the EU Council indicated that there are concerns that vocational education and training is failing to provide sufficient quality of skills for the workforce and there is limited availability of quality work-based training.
  • In Latvia employers are dissatisfied with the skills of the workforce and, therefore, there are vacancies at times when the unemployment figures are high.
  • There is a need for an increased number of students pursuing vocational education.
  • There is a need for a workforce that is equipped with high-quality/relevant skills so that the overall efficiency of the economy is improved.
  • Problem of low motivation among students to attend VET. In the beginning of September 2013 the number of students accepted on VET courses was almost by a thousand less than planned.
  • There is a need to develop a functioning motivation system so that the number of students applying to VET does not drop dramatically in 2 years’ time when the scholarships from European Social Fund are removed.
  • So far, only big companies have showed interest in participation in the dual VET system in Latvia. However, the system cannot work without smaller businesses joining in.
  • High level of youth unemployment.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness and quality of current cooperation between vocational education institutions (VEIs) and businesses.
  • Understand the main causes for lack of students choosing to pursue vocational education in Latvia.
  • Learn about other countries’ experience in improving businesses’ involvement in vocational education and attracting students to vocational education courses.
  • Raise a national debate about the VET to work transition in Latvia.
  • Devise a set of recommendations for Latvia on policy level and practical level to enhance the prestige of vocational education among businesses and students.

The biggest impact of the project will be an increased cooperation and understanding between VEIs and businesses, especially SMEs. This will lead to an increased capacity of VEIs to provide education that matches the current needs of the labour market, thus increasing the prospects of young graduates of vocational schools to gain employment.
