Project about integration and use of 1:1 computing in schools – “Ready for tomorrow!”

PROJECT OBJECTIVE Education innovation pilot project “Ready for tomorrow!” is an initiative launched in autumn 2014 supported by Microsoft Latvia and Latvijas Mobilais Telefons (LMT). The project aims to provide school education compatible with the skill and job market requirements of the 21st century, introduce personalised learning model, increase student motivation and improve education process by practically applying and testing 1:1 computing best practice and looking for solutions beyond conventional learning methods. The project is initiated by teachers and principals of three pilot schools who agreed to participate in impact assessment in three student age groups: 2nd grade of Ventspils Secondary School No. 4 (primary school age group), 9th grade of Sigulda City Secondary School (middle school age group) and 11th grade of Liepaja Rainis Secondary School No.6 (secondary school age group). Additionally, 8th grade of Daugavpils Secondary School No.3 and 10th grade of Kekava District Secondary School joined the project on their own initiative. |
The task of Dynamic University was to develop the project impact assessment methodology and test it in 5 pilot schools across Latvian regions. PROJECT SOLUTION AND RESULT Dynamic University developed project impact assessment methodology: defined research questions, identified 1:1 computing impact indicators corresponding to project objectives, developed information collection tools (survey questions, interview questions, information forms, data export forms). Additionally, Dynamic University practically applied and tested the developed methodology and compiled practical guidelines for its use in schools.