Jūrmala City Sports and Active Recreation Development Strategy 2008 - 2020 Monitoring

PROJECT OBJECTIVE For the purpose of assessing the progress of the implementation of the Jūrmala City Sports and Active Recreation Development Strategy 2008 – 2020 developed in 2008 (hereinafter – Strategy) Dynamic University provided services of the Strategy implementation and revision, collating information regarding the implemented projects, executed tasks and the status thereof. Having assessed their execution according to certain indicators measuring the attainment of priorities and goals, a Monitoring Report of the Jūrmala City Sports and Active Recreation Development Strategy 2008 - 2020 was drafted. PROJECT SOLUTION AND RESULT The Strategy Monitoring Report included an assessment on the progress of the listed projects, the defined indicators and set goals as defined in the Strategy’s Sports and Active Recreation Sector Development Action Programme (hereinafter – Action Programme). Information on sports and recreation camps and other objects, sports clubs and sports associations in Jūrmala was collated, identifying the roles and functions performed by each of those. In the process of assessing the implementation of the Action Programme, each assessment item involved a summary and analysis on all projects listed in the Strategy and other implemented projects. Assessment was undertaken in the following categories:
An outline of the key performance indicators was prepared, proposing alternative indicators for the needs of improving the monitoring methodology to be applied also for the needs of benchmarking performance against other municipalities or cities. The assessment of the attainment of goals included an analysis of five goals defined in the Strategy that related to the number of persons involved in physical activities, involvement of persons with disabilities in sports events, the number of participants in sports events of various scale in Jūrmala, the number of sports infrastructure objects and health statistics of the city residents. Based on information acquired in the course of monitoring, respective conclusions were made as to the Action Programme, the attainable indicators, goals and the Strategy in general, providing relevant recommendations for the Strategy revision and updating. |