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Projects - Dynamic University


Function audit report of Edcuation Board of Ventspils City council

With the goal to produce “Function audit report of Education Board” (hereinafter - Report) Education Board of Ventspils City Council (hereinafter - VEB) through public procurement involved LLC “Dynamic University”. Main goal of the work was to evaluate functions of VEB.

To evaluate the VEB functions collection and analysis of data massive, structured face to face interviews, analysis of the related documentation took place, as well as collection and analysis of the additional information gathered. The following actions were taken to produce the Report:

  • Produced workload tables, where employees could mark the time they spend at work according with the duties of their position;
  • Interviews with VEB employees and collaboration institutions to gather additional information and validate the results from employee polls and the different amount of time spent for different positions;
  • Interviews with pre-school and school management with the goal to evaluate the cooperation with VEB supervised educational institutions and identify areas for improvement;
  • Analyze VEB inner regulations and statutes (Regulations, position descriptions, statutes of internal order, other documentation);
  • Analyze the management model of other municipality educational boards, evaluating publicly available data and data produced by educational boards;
  • Evaluation of the implemented functions’ and tasks’ possibilities, given recommendations for improving the activities and work organization.

Within the framework of the Report the main areas that need improvement were identified and in accordance with the recommendation’s road map for further VEB development was produced, that included the following:

  • The new structure system of VEB;
  • Position descriptions: goals, duties, experience, skills;
  • Evaluation of work performance: conclusions and suggestions;
  • Reward system: conclusions and suggestions;
  • Inner team system: suggestions;
  • Interview results of educational institutions’ management.

Audit Report produced taking into consideration the good practice of the industry.
