PROJECT OBJECTIVE For the purpose of facilitating the implementation of structural reforms in research institutions aimed at the enhancement of competitiveness of science and research-based contemporary higher education, pursuant to the supplement to the activity “Institutional capacity development of research institutions” of the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No.729 “Regulations on the Operational programme “Science and Innovations”” the performance governance system was developed and introduced at Latvia University of Agriculture (LUA) and research institutions subject to consolidation. As a result of public procurement procedure in the period of July 2015 – December 2015 Dynamic University provided its assistance in the development and introduction of the said system both at Latvia University of Agriculture (LUA) and research institutions subject to consolidation, i.e. Latvia State Institute of Fruit-Growing (LSIFG) and State Priekuļi Plant Breeding Institute (SPPBI). PROJECT SOLUTION AND RESULT Performance governance system was developed for the purpose of improving systems employed at the said institutions envisaging that it would attribute strategic goals of these institutions to the key performance indicators at the level of structural units and research groups and daily tasks of individuals (cascading of goals), arranging the internal work processes in line with the overarching goals of institutions and results achievable, as well as promoting target-oriented work of employees aimed at the achievement of the overarching goals of institutions. Work on the performance governance system development and implementation at all three institutions, i.e. LUA, LSIFG and SPPBI was organised in the following stages: 1) Analysis of the performance governance system, developing:
2) Defining strategic goals and key performance indicators and their cascading, where
3) Establishing the system of activity planning and governance, where:
4) Establishing the system of work execution management, where:
5) Establishing the system of remuneration and motivation which is based on key performance indicators on individual’s level at LSIFG and SPPBI, where:
6) Implementation of performance governance system, where:
For the purpose of attaining the set goal, a relevant methodology for the implementation of particular activities was drafted and analysis was undertaken, as well as a report and presentation on the results attained and conclusions were developed. |