ERASMUS+ adult education training mobility in Belgium

In November 2016, Dynamic University Ltd. adult education / life-long-learning specialist participated in the learning mobility within the framework of the first operative action for adult education sector project “EGALE” (Empowering Growth in Adult Learning and Education). The specialist visited the training organized by the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) in Belgium.
Mobility visit and training brought in-depth knowledge about the EFQM Excellence Model as a practical tool that could help organizations, including educational institutions, to characterize the different principles of operation and to identify those areas that need improvement by using EFQM defined evaluation criteria. This newly acquired knowledge of the EFQM Excellence Model contributed to the understanding about the potential directions educational institutions could take in order to reach towards excellence and the application of EFQM guidelines in order to establish, improve and evaluate a quality management system in an education institution where it is binding to all the employees.