Development of Operational Strategy 2016-2018 of Latvia National Metrology Centre

In accordance with Law on Governance of Capital Shares of a Public Person and Capital Companies, which defines the need for a capital company of a public person to develop a middle-term operation strategy, during the period of February 2016 to May 2016 “Dynamic University” Ltd. provided strategy development services for Latvia National Metrology Centre (hereinafter – LNMC). The aim was to develop a middle-term operational planning and strategic development document – Operational Strategy 2016-2018 (hereinafter – Strategy), which clearly states the mission, vision, aims, strategic priorities, development objectives, key performance indicators of the Centre and other components. PROJECT SOLUTION AND RESULT LNMC Operational Strategy 2016-2018 was developed in accordance with Cross-Sectoral Coordination Centre guidelines for capital company middle-term operational strategy development and the defined capital company of a public person’s objective to get long-term benefit from its assets and reinforce effective governance practice. Based on the above, the developed document captures evaluation and depiction of the following components:
For effective implementation of LNMC Operational Strategy 2016-2018 it is planned to provide strategy monitoring and evaluation, as well as strategic and operational supervision at all levels at LNMC. |