Assessment of Scope of the Accounting Department functions at Ventspils Education Authority

PROJECT OBJECTIVE In December 2015 in line with the assignment by the municipal institution “Ventspils Education Authority of Ventspils City Council” (hereinafter - VEA) Dynamic University undertook the assessment of scope of the Accounting Department functions at VEA. The objective of this project was to assess whether the number of employees of Ventspils Education Authority Accounting Department is sufficient for the scope of work undertaken, to identify the potential to allocate and optimise work tasks, as well as to assess the number and qualification of any additionally required employees. PROJECT SOLUTION AND RESULT In order to ensure a complete assessment on the scope of functions undertaken by the Accounting Department of Ventspils Education Authority the project involved a series of on-site interviews with the heads of the Accounting Department (chief accountant, deputy accountant) and other employees, the analysis of job descriptions and the available and requested information that was material for the development of conclusions and recommendations. |
Both within the framework of interviews and analysis of related documents the functions of daily task execution of the Accounting Department employees were identified, e.g. job descriptions were analysed (conformity thereof with actually undertaken tasks) and internal regulations regulating the functions of the Accounting Department in the performance of their tasks were assessed. Consequently, conclusions regarding the scope of daily work of the Accounting Department, sufficiency of the number of employees as well as their remuneration levels were developed and recommendations for the optimisation of work of the Accounting Department of Ventspils Education Authority, incl. allocation of obligations and responsibilities, improvement of processes, annual assessment of employees and work environment and other aspects were drafted, that were all compiled in the final report and discussed with the client. |